If You Are Experiencing Knee Pain And Difficulty Performing Everyday Activities Due To Osteoarthr …

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The procedure is performed by a surgeon using robotic technology, which allows the surgeon to accurately place the implant. The surgery is less invasive than other methods and will leave less of a scar.In addition, United States orthopedic knee doctor of America patients can resume normal activity within a few weeks. To determine whether MAKOplasty is right for you, your doctor will first perform a thorough examination of your knee. This will include evaluating your range of motion and


alignment of the knee. The physician will also assess the stability of your ligaments.

If you suffer from bicompartmental knee osteoarthritis, MAKOplasty is an ideal option. This minimally invasive procedure preserves the bone and tissues within the knee joint. It allows patients to move more comfortably and can save them from total knee replacement. Although MAKOplasty is a highly effective treatment option, it is not for everyone. For this reason, it is important to consult with a qualified orthopedic surgeon who has extensive experience performing MAKOplasty.

The recovery period for MAKOplasty knee surgery is shorter compared to other techniques. After the surgery, many patients are able to walk immediately and return to their normal activities within a few weeks. In addition, the procedure requires a shorter stay in the hospital and results in a more natural feeling knee. In addition, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Because MAKOplasty knee surgery uses a computerized three-dimensional model of the patient’s bone surface, surgeons can more accurately place the implant. This helps them create a custom-made implant that reduces the pain associated with joint degeneration. Additionally, the technology allows surgeons to plan the


based on the patient’s anatomy.

Following the surgery, patients can resume most activities after six weeks. However, patients should still avoid high impact activities until their knees have fully healed. The recovery time for this procedure is much shorter than for TKA. After this time, patients can usually return to work. Although TKR recovery is faster than for TKA, patients still need to limit their physical activity. Typically, most physicians recommend waiting at least six months before returning to high-impact activities.

Another advancement in makoplasty knee surgery is the use of a robot during the procedure. Using a computer-controlled robotic system allows the surgeon to select the exact location of the implant prior to and during surgery. This means less guesswork, and surgeons who don’t perform many knee procedures can benefit from this technology.

Patients with osteoarthritis 8630 East Via De Ventura Suite 201 of the knee can undergo Mako robotic-arm (480) 483-0393 assisted total knee replacement surgery. This procedure replaces the knee joint and inserts an artificial knee implant. However, this method is not suitable for patients with severe deformities of the knee. In fact, approximately 90% of people with this type of knee surgery decline the procedure

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If You Are Experiencing Knee Pain And Difficulty Performing Everyday Activities Due To Osteoarthr ...