Periodontist – PhoenixPeriodontics Is A Specialization In Dentistry That Covers The Gum …

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Periodontist - PhoenixPeriodontics Is A Specialization In Dentistry That Covers The Gum  ...

A periodontist has several years of extra training to focus on maintaining the function, health and appearance of these areas.

A periodontist can treat mild to moderate gum disease by addressing the bacterial infection, offering education on effective cleaning methods and treating loose teeth. They can also perform various types of gum surgery including:

Implant Supported Dentures

Unlike traditional dentures, which must be removed at night for cleaning and can cause bone loss in the jaw, implant supported dentures stay securely in place. The stability of the dentures is achieved through the dental implants, which fuse with the natural bone through a process known as osseointegration.

Traditional dentures require the use of suction and adhesives to remain in place, which can be uncomfortable and costly over time. Dental implants support the dentures to prevent slippage and the associated bone damage, preserving gum tissue and preventing the sunken facial appearance that accompanies jawbone loss.

During the surgery for implant supported dentures, metal anchors (which look like screws or small metal 480-696-5928 cylinders) are placed in the jawbone.A denture base, cost of dental implants which is made of an acrylic material that looks like gums, and porcelain or acrylic teeth are then attached to the anchors. Bar-retained and ball-retained dentures are available, depending on the patient’s preference and jawbone condition.

Gum Graft Alternatives

A number 4025 W. Bell Road Suite #4 of factors can lead to recessed gums, including genetics, aging and poor dental hygiene. Fortunately, a variety of treatment options are available to help correct the issue and restore a healthy, attractive smile.

Traditional gum graft surgery involves using tissue from the palate or donor sources to cover exposed roots and improve the appearance of your smile. This procedure is effective but invasive and requires lengthy recovery times. Alternatively, gum contouring can be used to reshape the gum line.United States of America After administering local anesthesia, the dentist will use scalpels or lasers to remove excess tissue and reshape the gum line.

Periodontal disease often leads to receding gums and the bacteria that cause it can also damage the bone that supports your teeth.However, many patients can benefit from alternative treatments that do not require the 85053 removal of gum tissue and reduce healing time. For example, scaling and root planing can remove the bacteria that cause sensitivity and prevent your gums from receding further.

Gum Disease Treatments

Gum disease occurs when bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. The gums then respond with an inflammatory response that can damage the teeth and bones. Inflammation of the gum tissues has been linked to other health issues including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease and can be reversed with proper oral hygiene and regular cleanings by a dentist or hygienist. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis which has been linked to heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and low birth weight babies.

A periodontist can perform a deep cleaning procedure called scaling and root planing which removes bacteria, plaque, and hardened tartar from the tooth surfaces, as well as smooths rough surface areas of the roots to help gum tissue re-attach to teeth. Antibiotics such as tetracyclines or minocycline can also be used to reduce bacteria, prevent bone loss, and encourage healthy gums. These medications can be taken as a mouth rinse or as a gelatin-filled chip that releases the medication over time.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a way Phoenix to replace missing teeth. They are titanium screws that anchor into the jaw bone and act as artificial tooth roots. They can support fixed or removable replacement teeth. The first step in getting an implant is for your periodontist to perform a minor operation to insert the implant.

They will give you anesthesia and may Arizona use sedation to help you relax during the procedure. After the implant is in place they will close the site with stitches or self-dissolving sutures. They will also give you a prescription for pain medications to help manage any discomfort.

In order to qualify for dental implants you must have good oral health. This means that you must have no untreated cavities or other serious problems. You must also maintain regular visits to your dentist for hygiene treatments and a thorough cleaning. If you have severe gum disease, your Phoenix Periodontist may


other treatment options before considering implant surgery